Men flying – it’s totally true!
January 6th, 2009
This video is totally amazing – has to be seen to be believed!
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
Quotes of the Day
October 8th, 2008
From – courtesey of Moon whom I worked with last year.
All power corrupts, but we need the electricity.
— Unknown
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
— Elbert Hubbard
We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex–but Congress can.
— Cullen Hightower
And my favourite:
To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worthwhile. The first discipline of education must therefore be to refuse resolutely to feed the mind with canned chatter.
— Aleister Crowley
The Sad Truth About Relationships
March 20th, 2008
The Future Of Digital Media
February 11th, 2008
Good bit of history of the digital revolution, then it goes all sci-fi or is it?
How Did Israeli Spy Software Get Onto Critical FAA Computers?
January 28th, 2008
The deathly precision of the attacks and the magnitude of planning would have required years of planning. Such a sophisticated operation would require the fixed frame of a state intelligence organization; something not found in a loose group, like the one led by the student Mohammed Atta in Hamburg.
– Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany’s Verfassungsschutz intelligence service, comments on the sophistication and complexity of the 9-11 attacks; from a conversation with Christopher Bollyn, December 2001
More conspiracy theories? Read more
50 things I’ve learned in 50 years
January 4th, 2008
A partial list in no particular order by Eric Zorn.
Time breakdown of modern web design
August 25th, 2007
Courtesy of
This is modern life
June 7th, 2007
Courtesy of Wellington Grey . net
The Weather
July 15th, 2006
Not often you see this, I thought it a moment worth preserving. Hope it comes true…
The Life Cycle
July 10th, 2006
I think the life cycle is all backwards
You should start out dead and get it out of the way.
Then, you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day.
You get kicked out for being too healthy; go collect your pension,
then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You drink alcohol, you party, you’re generally promiscuous and you
get ready for High School.
You go to primary school, you become a kid , you play, you have no
responsibilities, you become a baby, and then…
You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like
conditions; central heating, room service on tap, larger quarters every
day, and then, you finish off as an orgasm.
I rest my case.